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7-Eleven Expands Nielsen Agreement

SCHAMBURG, Ill. -- 7-Eleven Inc., the largest convenience retailer, signed an agreement with The Nielsen Co. that enables Nielsen to serve as a source for convenience store manufacturers seeking market data aligned to 7-Eleven custom geography definitions. A leader in convenience store solutions with the most accurate, representative and reliable view of the convenience store channel, Nielsen boosts its 7-Eleven coverage to include more than 3,100 stores, an increase five times in size.

Convenience Store News is also a Nielsen company and uses Nielsen research as the basis for its longstanding industry market research and reports.

The new contract is an expansion of Nielsen and 7-Eleven’s longstanding relationship, which allows Nielsen’s manufacturing clients to access market-level data as defined by 7-Eleven, providing more clarity and consistent geographic classifications and resulting in more effective discussions between 7-Eleven and its manufacturing partners. Nielsen is the first to offer convenience manufacturers the ability to view 7-Eleven’s custom geographies in combination with the manufacturers’ custom product category definitions. This market level data can be used in conjunction with 7-Eleven’s 7-Exchange program -- 7-Eleven’s proprietary data community allowing access to its daily item-level data -- to offer added insights to the 7-Eleven merchandising team.

"Nielsen’s insights will help us better satisfy our customers’ changing needs," said Jim Hendrickson, manager of consumer research for 7-Eleven. "This new agreement will enable our manufacturing partners to improve their analytic capabilities, as well as their support of 7-Eleven, which will assist us in executing our strategy of providing the right product assortment at each store."
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