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Shell Sponsors Texas Beach Cleanup

GALVESTON, Texas -- Shell Oil Co. signed on to be the lead cleanup sponsor for the 23rd annual Texas General Land Office Adopt-A-Beach Spring Cleanup, taking place Saturday on Bolivar Peninsula, The Galveston County Daily News reported.

More than 1,000 volunteers will join Texas Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson, former President George H.W. Bush and former Secretary of State James A. Baker III for the all-volunteer event, aimed at bringing national attention to the Bolivar Peninsula.

For the first time ever, volunteers will clean more than just the beaches in Bolivar, but rights-of-way, too. "It is vital we continue to focus attention on the Bolivar Peninsula, which is still struggling more than six months after [Hurricane] Ike," Patterson said.

Each volunteer will be given data cards, gloves, pencils and trash bags. Volunteers record data on the trash they collect to learn more about the causes of marine debris and to help mitigate pollution along Texas’ 367 miles of coast, the report stated.

Texas beaches receive large amounts of marine debris due to a convergence of currents in the Gulf of Mexico. Since 1986, more than 375,000 Adopt-a-Beach volunteers have picked up 7,100-plus tons of this debris along the coast, the newspaper reported.

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