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Speedway SuperAmerica Gives $3M to Children's Miracle Network

ENON, Ohio -- Speedway SuperAmerica LLC (SSA) recently donated $3 million to the nonprofit Children’s Miracle Network as a result of the retailer's 2008 fundraising campaign, according to the charity organization.

SSA vice president of operations, Dave Heppner, and vice president of marketing, Glenn Plumby, presented the check to the nonprofit's chief development officer, Brian Hazelgren, at a ceremony at The Children’s Medical Center of Dayton. A check for more than $150,000 was presented specifically to The Children’s Medical Center, the nonprofit stated.

"I’m proud to say that Speedway SuperAmerica is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of our customers and the communities in which we operate," Heppner said in a statement. "We’ve adopted Children’s Miracle Network as our charitable focus because 100 percent of the funds are donated back to the Children’s Hospitals of the communities in which they were raised."

SSA raises funds for Children’s Miracle Network through a number of fundraisers, including the sale of Children's Miracle Network’s "miracle balloons." SSA operates approximately 1,600 stores in nine states and is the largest contributor to Children’s Miracle Network in the convenience store industry, according to the nonprofit.

Plumby added: "This accomplishment is due to the energetic enthusiasm and creativity of our store personnel combined with the overwhelming generosity of our customers and vendor partners. Despite a challenging economic environment in 2008, they came through with a new record in giving!"
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