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Meet the 2024 Category Captain for Ice: Everest Ice and Water Systems

The Everest Summit Series has dispensed more than 20 million vends without a single jam.
Category Captain_Everest Ice
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Everest Ice and Water Systems has been successful in adding incremental sales growth to the ice category even as the rate for bagged ice continues to decline and the market faces many consumer challenges, with 40% of customers preferring coolers over bags.

The company offers the most advanced ice and water vending machine in the industry, with patented one-moving-part technology. It is an ecofriendly alternative to the expensive and outdated ice delivery supply chain. Plus, with a machine that produces ice continuously, convenience stores don't risk losing a sale because they're out of ice.

While most ice vending machines break down because of ice jams due to the multiple moving parts they use to move ice within the machine, the Everest Summit Series has dispensed more than 20 million vends without a single jam because it has only one moving part. It is the only commercial ice vending machine for sale in the industry to have one moving part.

With a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, Everest Ice and Water Systems has achieved remarkable results in terms of sales and growth by partnering with a few popular retailers in the c-store industry. In the last year alone, the company saw a 400% increase in sales, and it anticipates an even higher growth rate of 1,000% in 2024.

All information contained in this profile was supplied by the company.

For the full winners' list for the 2024 Convenience Store News Category Captains, click here.

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