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BP to Release Feature-Length Film about Oil Spill

NEW YORK -- Alongside its short Web videos that hit the airwaves in response to the disastrous Gulf of Mexico oil spills earlier this year, BP is now commissioning a feature-length film about the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, The New York Times reported.

"They are making a film of the spill primarily for an internal audience as an archive of a momentous event in the company’s history (not to mention those impacted by the tragedy and its aftermath)," Robert Wine, a spokesman for BP, said in an e-mail to the newspaper.

London-based corporate video company World Television, the same company who created more than 180 short videos on the BP oil spill, is working on the feature-length film.

World Television has already started lining up interviews with journalists and other figures for the film, The Times reported. World Television has a decades-long relationship with BP as its "internal video producer" with its most recent video entitled "A Community Fights Back," a 12-minute look at the Florida, Louisiana and Alabama's tourism recovery after the spill. Most of the videos are still available for viewing on BP's Web site, where almost 10.6 million people have viewed all the videos concerning the oil spill. However, this new feature-length video, The Times noted, is not intended to scrub BP's reputation clean.

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