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From Clerk to Hero in One Swoop

PITTSBURGH -- A local 7-Eleven clerk may have a new name tag soon, one proclaiming Hero.

On Sunday, Dec. 19, a customer entered the Double Tree 7-Eleven looking for something to alleviate what he thought was heartburn. Soon after the customer, an Indiana resident in town with is three brothers for the Pittsburgh Steelers-New York Jets football game, collapsed in the aisle.

According to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Jay Gebhardt was in full cardiac arrest on the floor when the clerk jumped into rescue mode and began administrating CPR. A couple visiting the c-store called 911 and Gebhardt was taken to UPMC Mercy, where he is expected to remain in intensive care for another week. Efforts to identify the clerk by CSNews Online were not returned Thursday afternoon.

The Gebhardt family has many angels to thank. In the wake of the near-tragedy, the Doubletree Hotel and Suites, Downtown, paid for the brothers’ rooms, the hotel’s shuttle driver refused their tips and a friend flew Gephardt’s wife and mother to the city on a private plane. At the hospital the nurses soothed them and the Sisters of Mercy set the family up in an apartment across the street from the medical facility.

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