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Conexxus Unveils Updated Mobile Payments Standards

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — Conexxus has released its updated Mobile Payments Standard, v2.0. The new standard allows tightly coordinated interaction between mobile payment and loyalty applications, helping to create a more consumer-centric mobile commerce environment. 

An additional feature is the ability to operate loyalty both in cloud or local environments, independent of how the mobile payment is transacted, which allows for multiple use cases that link payment and loyalty programs into a single, standardized data exchange platform. 

"Through tightly integrating the data exchange functionality of our mobile and loyalty standards, Conexxus members have created the first standards-based consumer mobile payments data exchange ecosystem that truly adds value to the mobile payment process," said Gray Taylor, executive director of Conexxus. 

"In a market where the big 'Pays' (e.g. ApplePay and Android Pay) are struggling with meaningful loyalty, our membership has risen to the opportunity and is already releasing solutions that incorporate this standard. This is another example of how Conexxus and its members 'solve forward," he added.
According to Linda Toth, director of standards for Conexxus, the updated version creates the building blocks from which providers will take mobile commerce — not just payments — to new innovations.

"Our Mobile Payments Committee, comprising convenience retailers and suppliers, is already specifying v2.1. We expect innovations in mobile commerce fundamental processes like payments, loyalty and digital promotions will keep our committees busy as we work to establish our retail segment as a leader in the new era of customer engagement," Toth said.

Alexandria-based Conexxus is the convenience and fuel retailing industry's standards non-profit group. It develops and implements standards, technologies innovation and advocacy.


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