ConocoPhillips, Chevron Invest in Science
NEW YORK -- ConocoPhillips, the third-largest integrated energy company in the U.S., has pledged $1 million to support an industry-university collaboration working to develop policies that address global climate change.
The Climate Change Policy Partnership is a four-year initiative launched last year by Duke University and Duke Energy to pool the expertise of the university's Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences, and Center on Global Change with other concerned partners in the corporate and academic worlds, according to the Houston-based company.
"There are few issues today more critical than global climate change, which is why it is vital for our government, corporate and environmental leaders to possess unbiased data and analyses in order to make informed decisions," Duke University president Richard H. Brodhead said. "Providing that type of impartial information is the aim of the partnership. We welcome ConocoPhillips' support of this effort, which exemplifies Duke's larger mission of generating and sharing knowledge to serve society."
ConocoPhillips' gift will support research and policy analysis on a range of issues critical to climate change and energy. "We believe the partnership will play an important role in devising practical, equitable and cost-effective approaches to addressing global climate change issues," said Phil Frederickson, executive vice president of planning, strategy and corporate affairs for ConocoPhillips.
The program is expected to expand its focus as it adds new partners from the nation’s agricultural and financial services industries.
In related news, Chevron Corp. is investing $4 million to support science education in select Orleans Parish public middle schools through its Energy for Learning program.
Energy for Learning will support grades 6, 7 and 8 at Pierre A. Capdau-UNO Charter School; John Dibert School; Paul B. Habans Elementary School; Edward Hynes Charter School; Lusher Charter School; McDonogh 15 School for the Creative Arts; James M. Singleton Charter School, and Sophie B. Wright Charter School.
Students at these schools will benefit from state-of-the-art laboratory equipment, professional development for middle school science teachers, and activities and supplies designed to enrich the Louisiana science curriculum, the company said.
"Chevron created Energy for Learning to support public school education in Louisiana and Mississippi following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. This three-year program is designed to support both public school students and teachers and offer lasting benefits to the Orleans Parish community," said Melody Meyer, Gulf of Mexico business unit vice president for the San Ramon, Calif.-based company.
All Orleans Parish public middle schools, defined as schools with sixth, seventh and eighth grades on their campuses, were invited to submit an application for the Energy for Learning grant, and those selected were chosen through a rigorous review process.
Launched in 2006, Chevron's $18 million Energy for Learning program is in addition to an $8 million commitment made following Hurricane Katrina to aid short-term relief and reconstruction and $1 million in education grants currently underway in New Orleans.
The Climate Change Policy Partnership is a four-year initiative launched last year by Duke University and Duke Energy to pool the expertise of the university's Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences, and Center on Global Change with other concerned partners in the corporate and academic worlds, according to the Houston-based company.
"There are few issues today more critical than global climate change, which is why it is vital for our government, corporate and environmental leaders to possess unbiased data and analyses in order to make informed decisions," Duke University president Richard H. Brodhead said. "Providing that type of impartial information is the aim of the partnership. We welcome ConocoPhillips' support of this effort, which exemplifies Duke's larger mission of generating and sharing knowledge to serve society."
ConocoPhillips' gift will support research and policy analysis on a range of issues critical to climate change and energy. "We believe the partnership will play an important role in devising practical, equitable and cost-effective approaches to addressing global climate change issues," said Phil Frederickson, executive vice president of planning, strategy and corporate affairs for ConocoPhillips.
The program is expected to expand its focus as it adds new partners from the nation’s agricultural and financial services industries.
In related news, Chevron Corp. is investing $4 million to support science education in select Orleans Parish public middle schools through its Energy for Learning program.
Energy for Learning will support grades 6, 7 and 8 at Pierre A. Capdau-UNO Charter School; John Dibert School; Paul B. Habans Elementary School; Edward Hynes Charter School; Lusher Charter School; McDonogh 15 School for the Creative Arts; James M. Singleton Charter School, and Sophie B. Wright Charter School.
Students at these schools will benefit from state-of-the-art laboratory equipment, professional development for middle school science teachers, and activities and supplies designed to enrich the Louisiana science curriculum, the company said.
"Chevron created Energy for Learning to support public school education in Louisiana and Mississippi following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. This three-year program is designed to support both public school students and teachers and offer lasting benefits to the Orleans Parish community," said Melody Meyer, Gulf of Mexico business unit vice president for the San Ramon, Calif.-based company.
All Orleans Parish public middle schools, defined as schools with sixth, seventh and eighth grades on their campuses, were invited to submit an application for the Energy for Learning grant, and those selected were chosen through a rigorous review process.
Launched in 2006, Chevron's $18 million Energy for Learning program is in addition to an $8 million commitment made following Hurricane Katrina to aid short-term relief and reconstruction and $1 million in education grants currently underway in New Orleans.