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Crescent Oil to Convert 26 Tulsa Texaco Stations to Shell

HOUSTON -- Crescent Oil Co. Inc., a Shell wholesaler based in Independence, Kan., has purchased 26 Texaco-branded stations in Tulsa, Okla., from Shell Oil Products US and will convert them to the Shell brand. Another Shell wholesaler, Retail Fuels Marketing LLC, will complete the conversion of an additional 25 stations in the area to the Shell brand at the same time.

The conversion of Texaco-branded stations to the Shell brand in Tulsa and the surrounding area are scheduled for completion by the end of the first quarter of 2005 with minimal inconvenience to customers. As part of the conversion program, Texaco credit card holders were issued Shell cards earlier in the year.

"We are bringing a new and revitalized Shell brand to the Tulsa market, while continuing our tradition of providing quality fuels and service," said Ian Sutcliffe, vice president of retail for Shell Oil Products. "All drivers, whether holders of Shell proprietary credit cards, frequent or business travelers and long-distance drivers, will benefit by having access to more Shell stations throughout the country."

The newly converted stations will have a modern environment, and feature a uniform approach to canopies, buildings, fuel pumps and landscaping that will remain true to Shell's signature yellow and red colors.

Crescent Oil also has established Shell stations in Kansas, Missouri and other parts of Oklahoma. "We look forward to serving residents in Tulsa under the Shell banner and providing customers with quality products, exceptional service and competitive prices," said Phil Near, president of Crescent Oil. "Consumers have a choice when they purchase gasoline, stop at a convenience store or visit a car wash, but with added benefits, such as the Shell MasterCard from Citi Cards -- offering one of the best rebate programs in the industry -- and Shell's V-Power gasoline, we intend to make Shell the brand of choice for motorists in the area."
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