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Cumberland Farms Recognized For Recycling Efforts

ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. -- New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Commissioner Bradley M. Campbell recently joined with state and county recycling representatives to recognize Canton, Mass.-based Cumberland Farms efforts to increase bottle and can collection at its stores across the state.

Cumberland Farms was the first corporate responder, in July, to a DEP request asking that convenience stores evaluate their compliance with the state's Recycling Act. The company in turn ordered collection containers for its stores and contracted for the collection of recyclables. The company also is looking to begin similar programs in other states.

"Cumberland Farms is honored to be recognized for our recycling efforts in New Jersey," said John Babbitts, regional general manager for the company, which operates 1,100 outlets, 45 of which are in New Jersey. "The new bins are an added convenience and service to our customers already inclined to recycle. But beyond that, those who'd never considered the consequences of tossing a soda bottle into the trash now think twice, and make the smart choice to recycle."

DEP's effort to prompt convenience stores to addresses collection of single-serve beverage containers focuses on recycling more glass, plastic and aluminum from patrons. Collection bins placed near existing garbage cans will increase the opportunity for residents to recycle at these retail stores.

"Cumberland Farms is setting an example by making it convenient to recycle at its stores," said Campbell. "As people consume more beverages outside the home, we need to provide an opportunity to recycle at these locations."
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