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Enmarket Investing $500,000 to Boost Salaries

SAVANNAH, Ga. — Enmarket Inc. is investing more than $500,000 per year to increase the starting salaries of its store-level employees. The convenience store chain has also raised its senior general manager earnings potential to a minimum of $55,000, with a profit-sharing bonus.

This decision underscores Enmarket's commitment to building the best workplace in the retail industry, the company said in a released statement.

"We want to offer the freshest experience for our customers, and we're starting with how we better support our store-level team to lead the industry," said Ryan Chandler, vice president of business development at Enmarket's parent company, Colonial Group Inc. "To get there, we have to set ourselves up to develop, retain and attract the best people. That's precisely why we have established an industry-leading career path, compensation program and benefits structure. Training, development and recruiting are key priorities. At the same time, we will have industry-leading responsibility and accountability."

Enmarket is now offering store-level starting salaries well above the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour, in a strategy designed to attract new talent.

The move also aligns with Enmarket's "Enriching Life" campaign. The campaign is meant to foster the personal and professional growth of team members, now known as CEOs — chief enrichment officers.

"It's more than a campaign; it's our mission," Chandler said. "Enriching life starts with our team because we know that investment leads to the highest levels of customer satisfaction."

Employment requirements for managers and senior general managers were also strengthened to attract candidates with higher levels of education, experience, proficiencies and management skills. A senior general manager's salary was increased to a mid-range of $55,000 a year, while the mid-range of the average management salary rose to around $45,000 a year.

Enmarket managers will also have the opportunity to earn a 5-percent bonus of their store's net income.

"There's so much happening to enrich the lives of our customers and employees," added Director of Marketing Matt Clements. "Enmarket is recognized as a brand of friendly employees, fresh offerings and quality fuels. We're now pleased to be leading the way again by making a substantial investment in building the greatest retail team in the industry."

Enmarket operates 61 convenience stores in Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina. 

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