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Exploring the Mobile Platform: Using Mobile to Elevate 1 to 1 Marketing

Date: Tuesday, June 20, 2017 at 2:00 pm ET

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Moderator: Don Longo, Editorial Director, Convenience Store News

Speaker: Kimberly Otocki, Convenience Store Marketing Specialist, Paytronix

Most brands think their mobile strategy begins and ends with a mobile app, but that’s not the case. In this webinar, you’ll learn why apps are just the tip of the mobile iceberg. You will hear how embracing the mobile platform can open a treasure trove of new opportunities to engage customers on their devices.

Seventy-two percent of U.S. adults own smartphones and spend close to three hours every day on their devices. However, U.S. consumers spend 80 percent of their time on only give mobile applications, so fighting for a slice of that app usage pie is an uphill battle. Brands with successful mobile strategies effectively engage their customers through an expansive mobile platform, and in this presentation, you will obtain new ideas from many of those top organizations.

Your customers are on their mobile devices, and knowing how to reach them outside of just an app with set your brand apart from your competitors. 

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Convenience Store News

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