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ExxonMobil Program Awards Tech School $750

BEVERLY, Mass. – The scholarship award program for graduating seniors at North Shore Technical High School just got little bigger with a $750 grant from the ExxonMobil Education Alliance Program. The school is a career technical high school serving 16 North Shore communities, theBeverly Citizen reported.

Judy Webster of Beverly Mobil presented the grant to NSTHS superintendent Daniel O'Connell and principal Brad Morgan. "NSTHS provides great opportunities for its students. It has been a pleasure to be able to present this grant to the school," Webster said. "Exxon Mobile believes that, as community members, local retailers are best qualified to work with local educators to identify schools and programs most in need of support."

The ExxonMobil Education Alliance Program awards 2,400 grants to U.S. schools where Exxon or Mobil has service stations. The funding is made available through ExxonMobil Corp.

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