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Growth Energy Launches Ad Campaign to Combat Big Oil

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Growth Energy, an ethanol industry advocacy group, launched an advertising campaign titled "You're No Dummy" that’s designed to help Americans understand that the oil industry is attempting to halt the growth of renewable fuels to protect their bottom lines.

"For far too long, Big Oil has run a campaign of misinformation and unsubstantiated attacks against the renewable fuels industry. It is high time consumers get a reality check from Big Oil's propaganda designed to protect their market share and enable their monopolistic behavior," Growth Energy said in a statement. "Oil companies are not willing to give up any of their market share and they will do anything to protect their profits – plain and simple."

Growth Energy also stated that consumers should be allowed to make their own choices at the gas pump and select a fuel that enables them to spend money on an American product that promotes energy independence and improves the environment. While Growth Energy may be "the underdog," the group said the biofuels industry will no longer tolerate misleading information.

"Our message is simple: You're no dummy. Don't let the oil industry treat you like one," its statement read.

The campaign ads will air nationally on major cable news networks such as FOX, CNN, MSNBC and RFD-TV, as well as in several local markets. More information and the latest ad can be found at

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