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Indiana C-Stores Probed

Indiana Attorney General Steve Carter said that 46 more gas stations have been accused of gouging customers following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the United States.

The additions put the total number of investigated stations at 132. Carter's probe has been targeting stores accused of raising prices for regular unleaded gasoline to $2.50 per gallon or higher.

So far, 30 of the 132 have been cleared, and 52 have admitted that prices were raised to $2.50 or higher, Carter said in a press release.

"Forty [of the 52] have indicated that they will provide refunds to their customers," Carter said. "I am pleased that our immediate attention to this situation resulted in refunds for some customers and helped to stabilize prices within the first hours of excessive pricing reports.

"However, [excessive pricing] following a national tragedy is not acceptable, and I still reserve the right to take further action," Carter said.

Convenience stores that are found to have unfairly raised their prices face restitution payments and other penalties.

Eight stations have refused to deal with the attorney general and could receive a civil investigative demand. That document is similar to a subpoena in that it would force the stations to provide information on their gas prices. "If they don't comply with the Civil Investigative Demand, we will go to court to have that order enforced," Carter said.
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