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Kansas C-store Association Donates Fuel to Highway Patrol

FORT SCOTT, Kan. -- The Petroleum Marketers and Convenience Store Association (PMCA) of Kansas is once again donating gasoline to the Kansas Highway Patrol (KHP) to fill up patrol cars during the holidays, The Fort Scott Tribune reported.

Through the Holiday Highway Safety Program -- now in its 19th year -- the PMCA donates fuel to the state's Highway Patrol from Dec. 24 through Jan. 1.

"Every year PMCA has generously given us a gift of fuel so we can help provide quality service to the citizens of Kansas. This year's donation will be of great assistance as mileage has been reduced to conserve funds," said KHP Superintendent Col. Terry Maple. "The budget crisis in the state has touched everyone, both public and private entities. While PMCA has surely felt the effects of the economy, they have demonstrated their concern for travelers and Kansas families alike with this donation."

The PMCA of Kansas is a non-profit organization representing independent petroleum distributors, gasoline retailers and convenience store owners. This year, participating members of the PMCA will provide tanks of fuel and gift cards for fuel so that troopers can fill up their patrol vehicles, according to the newspaper.

Last year, with 59 tanks of fuel and nine $25 gift cards provided by the association, the KHP was able to assist 2,662 motorists, remove 103 impaired drivers from roadways, and issue 667 citations for occupant protection violations, the report stated.

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