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NACS Annual Fuels Report Online

ALEXANDRIA, Va. -- NACS published its 10th annual online fuels report at designed to address common consumer questions about the U.S. petroleum market.

The 2011 "NACS Annual Fuels Report: Understanding Gas Prices and More" enhances two popular elements that provide unique insight into the world of gasoline retailing: an updated searchable map that provides key state-by-state metrics related to motor fuels, new videos that address common consumer questions and look at the industry’s future of fueling, the Association reported. Transcripts are also included with the videos to allow users to quickly digest content.

"This online resource is a great tool for our NACS members to share -- and we suggest that they do so, whether directly with their media contacts and elected officials or via links on their home pages or social media sites, like Facebook or Twitter," said NACS vice president of communications, Jeff Lenard. "Gas prices -- and questions about where they could be heading -- are already top of mind with customers. But it is impossible to predict crude oil or gasoline prices because there are simply too many unknowns. For instance, when we prepared the 2010 fuels resource, predications of an active hurricane season were a major concern. On the other hand, few could have foreseen the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Our online resources explaining who sells -- and doesn’t sell -- retail fuels were invaluable in communicating the industry’s voice when BP-branded retailers were facing boycotts and consumer rage."

For the 2011 report, the searchable map allows users to examine critical market conditions related to their state. "When events like hurricanes or refinery breakdowns occur in one region, there is a ripple effect throughout the rest of the country," said NACS vice president of government relations John Eichberger. "Where fuels are produced and how they are distributed have a significant influence on the price the consumer ultimately pays."

In addition to more than two-dozen short videos responding to common consumer questions about fuels, the NACS Annual Fuels Report also features a seven-part video series, "The Future of Fuels," which was shown this past October at the NACS Show. 

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