New Poll Finds Majority of Voters Support Increased E15 Availability
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Registered voters show support for ethanol and the Renewable Fuel Standard while opposing policies that ban liquid fuels or mandate electric vehicles, according to a new survey from the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA).
"As the new Congress settles in and begins to consider the future of our nation's energy policy, these polling results demonstrate that Americans strongly support expanded use of lower-cost, lower-carbon renewable fuels like ethanol," said RFA President and CEO Geoff Cooper. "Voters clearly want greater access to fuel blends containing more ethanol — like E15, E30 and E85 — and they want to see more flex fuel vehicles made available."
According to the survey, 65 percent of respondents support the Renewable Fuel Standard, while 64 percent of respondents have a favorable opinion of ethanol.
Sixty-eight percent support increasing the availability of E15 to help lower fuel prices and bolster energy independence, and 66 percent said it is important for the federal government to promote the production and sale of flex fuel vehicles (capable of running on up to 85 percent ethanol). Additionally, 60 percent support the Next Generation Fuels Act, which would drive the use of more efficient, lower-carbon liquid fuels like E25 or E30.
Notably, Cooper added, support for ethanol and renewable fuels policy crosses party lines and includes majorities of both Republican and Democrat respondents.
The poll also found doubts about some policy proposals regarding electric vehicles (EV), particularly those that eliminate consumer choice and options when it comes to vehicle purchases. Key results included 50 percent of respondents who said they were not interested in purchasing or leasing an EV in the next three years, while 42 percent expressed interest and 8 percent had no opinion.
Sixty-six percent of voters oppose policies that ban the sale of new cars with traditional liquid-fueled engines; however, 58 percent support federal funding for charging infrastructure and tax credits for EVs.
The online survey was conducted by Morning Consult in late December 2022 and polled 1,999 registered voters.
The Renewable Fuels Association has been serving as an advocate for the ethanol industry since 1981. Morning Consult has been conducting polls for the RFA since 2016.