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PMAA Partners With RINAlliance for Renewable Fuel Solutions

ARLINGTON, Va. – The Petroleum Marketers Association of America (PMAA) joined forces with renewable fuel compliance group RINAlliance Inc.

RINAlliance serves hundreds of petroleum marketers with renewable fuel blending and Environmental Protection Agency matters through the use of proprietary software and dedicated specialists. Specifically, the RINAlliance has provided turnkey compliance and marketing solutions for petroleum marketers blending with renewable fuel since 2007.

The PMAA is a federation of 48 state and regional trade associations representing approximately 8,000 independent petroleum marketers nationwide. "Our marketers across the U.S. benefit from the consulting expertise of RINAlliance as their professionals have the longest and most successful track record in understanding RINs (Renewable Identification Numbers) and serving the needs of renewable fuel blenders," said PMAA President Dan Gilligan.

A RIN is an identifier that tracks renewable fuels through their lifecycles. The RINAlliance focuses on the economics of blending by working with clients on rack pricing, RIN values, federal blender credits, infrastructure, competitive supply options and other financial incentives.

"RINAlliance is extremely honored to have the support and endorsement of the nation’s largest and strongest association specifically dedicated to the success of fuel distributors," relayed Dawn Carlson, president of RINAlliance. "PMAA understands the regulatory burdens of petroleum marketers and recognizes the value RINAlliance brings to its members."

The PMAA’s primary mission is to nationally unify petroleum marketers through their state and regional associations in order to effectively further the common business interests of the petroleum marketing industry.

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