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Portland Bans New Gas Stations to Fight Global Warming

PORTLAND, Ore. — The Portland City Council took a stand against global warming by approving a resolution that effectively prevents any new gas stations from being built within the city's borders.

According to a report by the Daily Caller, the resolution prevents the construction of new facilities to transport or store oil, gasoline, coal and natural gas within Portland.

However, the council did not unilaterally ban gasoline and oil to avoid violating interstate commerce laws. Still, the resolution will make shipping of fossil fuels prohibitively expensive for companies.

“Our work is not done yet, but we feel that with this unanimous vote, there is good chance that the codifying language is going to be strong and signal to the fossil fuel industry that Portland is not open for their business,” Adriana Voss-Andreae, director of a local environmental group, told the news site Climate Progress.

Environmentalists claim the council's resolution is a huge victory against energy interests.

Portland has long been known as a “green” city and one that has demonstrated environmental activism in the past.

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