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Retailers Contribute $100,000 to Katrina Victims

SAN ANGELO, Texas -- Town & Country Food Stores, based in San Angelo, Texas, and Worsley Cos., based in North Carolina, each donated $50,000 to Hurricane relief efforts. In addition to corporate donation, employees and customers are supporting charity drives.

Town & Country divided it's donation between three charities -- The American Red Cross, Salvation Army and United Way. Worsley concentrated it's donations to the American Red Cross.

Of the total contribution, Town & Country, who has 132 locations, is donating $30,000 to United Way charities to ensure their local community continues to be provided with resources. The company believes that many of the people displace by the storm will move into the areas that Town & Country serves, which will put a strain on local charity resources.

The company is donating $10,000 each to the Red Cross and the Salvation Army. Town & Country also is providing payroll deductions for employees wishing to contribute to the local United Way. These personal donations are expected to outnumber the company’s corporate contribution.

Meanwhile, all of Worsley's 110 stores are selling Katrina Relief paper ribbons for a dollar and have placed donation canisters by their registers to encourage customers to donate change. All proceeds will go to the Red Cross.
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