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Shell Association Issues Call to Action against Price Gouging Bill

SPRINGFIELD, Va. -- The National Association of Shell Marketers (NASM) is requesting all members to oppose an anti-price gouging bill being offered by Senator Maria Cantwell, which will likely be added as an amendment to the Ten-in-Ten Fuel Economy Act at the meeting of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Technology, according to the association.

The legislation, called the Petroleum Consumer Price Gouging Protection Act, addresses concerns over the rising cost of gasoline and fuel. However, NASM stated that the bill would exacerbate market conditions and reduce energy supplies, in addition to levying excessive civil and criminal fines and imprisonment for gas sales that are deemed "price gouging," according to the organization.

NASM is asking for any Shell marketer that operates in states where senators are members of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Technology -- Hawaii, West Virginia, Massachusetts, North Dakota, California, Florida, Washington, New Jersey, Arkansas, Delaware, Missouri, Minnesota, Alaska, Arizona, Mississippi, Texas, Maine, Oregon, Nevada, South Carolina, Louisiana and South Dakota -- to call the members and voice opposition of the anti-price gouging amendment.
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