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Skupos Launches Multi-Brand Winter Discount Program

Promotional bundles on candy, snacks and energy drinks are designed to build incremental sales for small operators.

DENVER — In an effort to provide opportunities for both brands and retailers to increase revenue during the lower traffic months, Skupos is introducing the launch of its winter discount program, "Game Day Deals."

Building off the success of the "Summer Traffic Jam" program, this winter's "Game Day Deals" will run from Dec. 1 through Feb. 28, 2022. The program includes multi-brand promotions such as: 

  • Buy one Extra Strength 5-hour ENERGY shot in Strawberry Banana, Tropical Burst, or Watermelon flavors, get $1.50 off any shot
  • Buy one Nature Valley, get one at 50 percent off
  • 25 percent off Chex Mix
  • Buy two Chex Mix Muddy Buddies and/or Gardetto’s, get $2 off
  • Buy one Bugles, get one at 50 percent off
  • Buy two Hershey King Size bars, get the third for $1
  • Buy two Rockstar 15-ounce and/or 16-ounce, get $1 off
  • Buy two Taki's 9.9-ounce and/or Taki's Waves 8-ounce for $6

Skupos will also help stores drive consumer awareness during the promotions by providing signage free of charge.

"At Skupos, we understand that the winter months can mean a slowdown in business for CPG brands and retailers, especially for our network of independent convenience retailers. With the 'Game Day Deals' program, our goal is to continue the flow of sales across the entire industry," Skupos Chief Revenue Officer Christine Shriver said. "Given the 'Summer Traffic Jam' promotions' success in increasing repeat customers by 30 percent, we're confident that the 'Game Day Deals' program will help both groups generate revenue during the holiday season and into 2022."

According to Skupos, convenience store operators who participated in the company's four "Summer Traffic Jam" promotions reported $49 in incremental revenue per week or about $196 per month, with 30 percent of customers returning to purchase discounted items again.

Founded in 2016, Denver-based Skupos — which focuses on independent stores and small chains — enables both retailers and brands by leveraging data and analytics to facilitate better understanding and serving their customers. Its network 14,000-plus customers across all 50 states rely on Skupos to boost sales volume and increase their customer base.

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