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Sustainable Food and Drink Important to Consumers

CHICAGO -- Since 2005, Mintel Global New Products Database (GNPD) tracked more than 13,000 new sustainable food and drink products, and 84 percent of consumers said they regularly buy green or sustainable food and drink, while some are unaware of what the claims actually mean, according to the research company.

"Packaging claims such as 'recyclable' or 'eco- or environmentally friendly' are fairly well known to consumers, but sustainable product claims such as 'solar/wind energy usage' or 'Fair Trade' have yet to enter the mainstream consumer consciousness," David Browne, senior analyst at Mintel said in a released statement. "They may have heard of the terms, but they'd be hard-pressed to define them."

Additionally, 45 percent of sustainable food and drink users cite a perceived belief in superior quality as the reason behind their purchases, while 43 percent said they buy sustainable food and drink because they're concerned about environmental/human welfare, and 42 percent said they're concerned with food safety.

"These reasons vary in importance across different demographics. What's most important to young adults may not be the primary deciding factor for affluent consumers," Browne stated. "Marketers should consider this in their claims closely; noting that health, welfare, and safety are important for nearly all consumers."

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