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Tedeschi Food Shops Secures New Electricity Contracts

ROCKLAND, Mass. -- Tedeschi Food Shops, with the help of energy management services firm World Energy Solutions Inc., secured new electricity contracts for 157 of its convenience stores in Massachusetts.

Through a series of competitive auctions run on the World Energy Exchange, World Energy said it enabled Tedeschi to lock in attractive rates from Feb. 1, 2011 through Jan. 31, 2014, providing the retailer valuable budget certainty and potential savings in excess of $400,000.

In advance of the auctions, World Energy worked closely with Tedeschi to understand the energy needs across its business and develop an appropriate go-to-market strategy. Acting on Tedeschi's behalf, World Energy collected usage data from the retailer's Massachusetts locations -- more than 200 accounts in total -- and synthesized that information into electronic RFPs marketed to the supplier community.

This expert preparation contributed to a highly liquid, competitive and transparent event that attracted multiple suppliers behind two different utility service territories, ultimately delivering the retailer excellent price discovery and favorable contract terms, the firm said.

"Sourcing power effectively for this many locations, accounts and service territories is very challenging," Bob McGann, vice president of store development for Tedeschi Food Shops, said in a statement. "World Energy did a great job of listening to us and simplifying the process so we could capitalize on favorable market conditions, lock in long-term fixed rate contracts and really take control of our energy spend."

Phil Adams, president of World Energy Solutions, added: "Less than 10 percent of B2B energy buyers are availing themselves of technology-based approaches to extract the best price from the market. As a result, they are leaving money on the table and often settling for terms that don't advance their business goals. Tedeschi Food Shops serves as a powerful reminder that a more strategic approach to energy management pays dividends."

Tedeschi Food Shops continues to work with World Energy, exploring opportunities for further energy savings and budget certainty for its stores in New Hampshire and Rhode Island.

Additionally, the retailer is considering reinvesting its recent savings in renewable energy, building on its current efficiency initiatives that include the implementation of white roofs, LED lighting and more energy-efficient equipment, according to the firm.

Based in Rockland, Mass., the convenience store chain operates 189 locations throughout Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Connecticut.

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