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Thorntons Inc. Donates $1 Million to The Speed of Art Museum

LOUISVILLE, Ky. -- Thorntons Inc. donated $1 million to The Speed Art Museum’s Changing Speed Capital Campaign. The Capital Campaign will fund the expansion and renovation of the Museum’s site in Louisville, and will serve the community through new programming and increased space for educational initiatives, public events and additional gallery space to present the Speed’s remarkable art collection, the company reported.

"Since our inception almost 40 years ago we have made a dedicated commitment to recognize and assist the multitude of diverse nonprofit organizations in the Louisville area, and we continuously explore ways to give back to the communities that we serve," Thorntons Inc. Chief Executive Officer Matt Thornton said in a released statement. "It is a great pleasure and an honor to donate this gift to The Speed Art Museum, one that will advance the arts through expanded educational programs and events for our community."

Through the years, the Thornton family has been avid supporters of the visual and performing arts with this donation being made in honor of Mrs. Bonnie Thornton, who previously served on the Speed Museum Board of Directors and continues to be actively involved. Mrs. Thornton, whose husband James founded Thorntons in 1971, is thrilled to continue to support the Speed Art Museum with this gift.

"Thorntons is a very important corporate citizen for the markets in which it operates," added Todd Lowe, chairman, Speed Board of Trustees. "Their generosity in supporting community organizations is critical to the success of many nonprofits. The Speed Art Museum is fortunate and thrilled to be the recipient of such a generous gift toward our expansion vision."

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