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Weigel's Chocolate Milk Takes Blue Ribbon at Tenn. State Fair

POWELL, Tenn. -- Weigel's Dairy scored top honors at this year's Tennessee State Fair. The Tennessee Dairy Products Association awarded Weigel's Chocolate Milk the first-place blue ribbon in the Fluid Milk Quality Competition.

The milk scored top marks in three primary categories: milk flavor, body and texture when tasting. The judges also took appearance and color into account. With its win, Weigel's beat out all competing dairies that serve Tennessee, which includes many dairies operating outside the state, the company said.

"It is an honor to win the prized blue ribbon for Best Chocolate Milk at the Tennessee State Fair," said Weigel's CEO Bill Weigel. "It's due to our dairy's dedication to a high-quality product."

Weigel's milk also stood out from the crowd because it was the only competing chocolate milk to use a 2-percent milk base instead of whole milk. "Our chocolate milk is unique because we do not use high-fructose corn syrup," noted Douglas Rouch, dairy manager for Weigel's, which also operates a chain of convenience stores.

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