2023 Category Captain for CBD: E-Alternative Solutions

Forth CBD from E-Alternative Solutions is leading the charge with its CBD Disposable Vape Pens.
Category Captain_Forth CBD

CBD product types can fluctuate in popularity. However, over the next few years, vapor devices are poised to drive CBD category growth in c-stores. With category innovation at the forefront of its decision-making and a deep commitment to the success of the brick-and-mortar channel, Forth CBD from E-Alternative Solutions is leading the charge with its CBD Disposable Vape Pens.

In developing its products, Forth CBD employs the latest consumer research and insights to understand the evolving demand and expectations from c-store shoppers. Armed with the knowledge that these shoppers rank "taste" as the most important attribute when selecting a CBD product to purchase, Forth CBD expanded its Disposable Vape Pen line to include a range of flavors — Mixed Berry, Mango, Grape, Mint, Menthol and Original Hemp — all thoughtfully chosen to cater to the adult palate.

Since the inception of the Forth brand, it has been a priority to provide adult consumers with form factors that easily fit into their daily routines, and supply retailers with what sells best. The company’s offerings address CBD trends while lowering the barriers to entry for adult consumers interested in CBD products for wellness.

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