7-Eleven Adds Fuel Loyalty Component to 7Rewards Program
IRVING Texas — Just in time for summer road trips, 7-Eleven Inc. is piloting a loyalty program aimed at motorists.
The convenience store retailer is testing Fuel Loyalty at participating 7-Eleven stores in Orlando, Fla., and Woodbridge, Va. The program provides contactless payment options to reduce touch and drives instantaneous savings at the pump, according to the company.
The internally developed technology allows customers to pay for fuel contact-free through the 7Rewards loyalty program found in the 7-Eleven app by using mobile payment options or Siri shortcuts on their Apple iPhone.
According to 7-Eleven, it is the first retailer to offer this frictionless Siri functionality, allowing customers to use voice commands to pay for gas.
Through the program, customers will receive a discount of 11 cents per gallon on the first seven fill-ups. For subsequent fill-ups, customers will receive 3 cents off per gallon. The per-gallon discount will automatically show on the pump display.
"Adding fuel savings takes the 7Rewards loyalty program to the next level," said 7-Eleven Chief Digital Officer Tarang Sethia. "Fuel loyalty offers value with an elevated experience that allows customers to pump, pay and be on their way all without taking out their wallet. A contactless payment experience and fuel discounts… that's how we give customers power in the driver's seat."
To get fuel loyalty discounts, customers must be at a participating store and have a verified phone number in their 7Rewards loyalty program account. To activate the experience and discounts before stepping out of the car, they select — or tell Siri to select — the fuel pump number and the desired fuel amount. Customers can choose the full tank option or pre-select their desired amount of fuel.
If a customer does not want to use the mobile app or voice command, they can type in a 7Rewards verified phone number at the pump to get the fuel rewards.
The program also offers two touchless pay options:
- Mobile Pay: To pay via the 7Rewards loyalty program in the 7-Eleven app, customers need to upgrade the 7-Eleven app to the most current version and set up a credit or debit card under payment in account settings. The app also accepts Google Pay or Apple Pay. Customers select their fuel pump number and choose a preferred fuel amount. To complete the purchase, they authorize the payment through the app.
- "Siri, fuel now": To set up the Siri experience on an iPhone, customers create a Siri shortcut in the most up-to-date 7-Eleven app. On the payment confirmation screen of the fuel loyalty program, customers will be prompted to set up a customized Siri shortcut that they can use at the pump. Once set up, customers won't have to open their app during future visits to get the fuel rewards or pay. Instead, they instruct Siri using their new shortcut to select a pump and authorize payment.
Irving-based 7-Eleven operates, franchises and/or licenses more than 70,000 stores in 17 countries, including 11,800 in North America.