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  • BP's Hitting Its Stride

    Many years ago Paul Revere rode through the American colonies shouting his famous line, "The British are coming!" More than 225 years later, many U.S-based oil companies continue to echo his cry.
  • Mason Short Stop, Mason, Texas

    For owner Charles Reichenau, the biggest headache of his redesign came when he looked across the street every day. Because he was looking at his competition front and center.
  • Specialty Coffee Market Still Growing

    Convenience store retailers and gourmet operators such as Starbucks are preparing to meet demand.
  • C-Stores 'Burned' by Wildfires

    Ignited by lightning storms and stoked by the winds of an especially hot, dry summer, wildfires swept through Montana, Idaho, Oregon, Wyoming, South Dakota and northern Nevada this summer, destroying well over 3.5 million acres of forest.
  • Associations

    Marconi Commerce Systems, headquartered in Greensboro, N.C., appointed Adam Grasso service program sales manager, and Shawn Hanlon, district sales manager for the northern region.
  • Associations

    Philip Morris, headquartered in New York, recently made a series of appointments including Kelly Ritter in Flint, Mich., Chris Little in Kansas City, Mo. and Huan Xie in Dallas were both named sales development associates. Christine Keller in Pittsburgh, Joseph Workman in Lexington, Ky. and Keith Luck in Dayton, Ohio were all named unit managers. In addition, Michael Rudnicki was named section sales director in Houston.
  • Associations

    Philip Morris, headquartered in New York, recently made a series of appointments including Kelly Ritter in Flint, Mich., Chris Little in Kansas City, Mo. and Huan Xie in Dallas were all named sales development associates. Christine Keller in Pittsburgh, Joseph Workman in Lexington, Ky. and Keith Luck in Dayton, Ohio, were named unit managers. In addition, Michael Rudnicki was named section sales director in Houston.
  • Zooming Along

    If you are reading this article and you have fewer than 20 stores, you are having an out-of-body experience. Why? Because you are dead.
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