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Companies Deliver Mommy-to-Be Snacks

Several companies are hoping to capitalize on the maternity market by selling snacks for on-the-go moms-to-be, according to a NewsCenter 5 (Boston) report.

Ensure is marketing Healthy Moms shakes and snack bars. A company called Eating for Two debuted its Mommy Munchie bars earlier this year.

Expectant mothers eating for two need more calories and more nutrients than other woman, according to the report. NewsCenter 5 took the snacks to Newton Wellesley Hospital nutritionist Melissa Turner Booth for her opinion.

"It's got calcium, folic acid, iron, protein -- a lot of the things pregnant women need. The question is: Are these things we can get in other food products? And the answer is yes," she said.

Booth said that a glass of 1 percent milk, fruits, vegetables and cheese are just as convenient and are just as healthy as snacks marketed to moms. "They're certainly a nutritious snack option. But there are other snack options and sometimes options that are more affordable," she said.

Healthy Mom shakes cost $1.50 each. Ten bars go for $3.49. Mommy Munchie bars are $1.99 each.

In related news, this week Vincent Foods unveiled its "Oh Mama!" nutrition bars, which will be sold in Motherhood Maternity and Buy Buy Baby stores nationwide. The bars are formulated to meet the needs of women who are trying to conceive, who are pregnant or who are breastfeeding. They retail for $2.50 each
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