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Convenience Store News Store Design Contest

Each year, Convenience Store News recognizes those c-store chains that are setting the standard in store design and innovation. Past winners of the Convenience Store News Store Design Contest have been concepts focused on originality, sustainability and blending nostalgia with modern convenience.

Construction of eligible store designs and remodels must have been completed between January of the previous year and February of the current contest year. Concept designs not yet constructed and open for business are ineligible. Previous winning designs cannot be reentered.

The 2013 contest period is now ended.

All entries must include a completed official entry form; a brief description of the store; design/remodel objectives; challenges and results (i.e. sales, customer traffic, etc.); and before and after images. Multiple entries by one company in each category are permitted as long as the designs are different and unique. Entries are judged on innovation, creativity and the positive impact of the overall design and/or remodel on the retail business. Judging is conducted by a Blue Ribbon Panel of editors and writers of Convenience Store News and other Stagnito Media trade magazines.


  • Best Original Store Design (new build)
  • Best Interior Design (new build)
  • Best "Green" Design
  • Best Low Cost Remodel (less than $100,000)
  • Best Mid-Budget Remodel ($100,000 to $250,000)
  • "The Sky's the Limit" Remodel (more than $250,000)

For questions, contact Don Longo at [email protected].

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