Danfoss AK-CS Controller for Small Food Retailers
AK-CS, a new utilities controller designed specifically for small food retail facilities that can reduce operating costs by 10 percent to 15 percent through energy savings, reduced maintenance costs and food loss, the company stated. The technology controls and monitors all major energy-using systems, including refrigeration, heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) and lighting. A retailer can look at a central Energy Information System to monitor energy usage across all store locations, and create energy baselines for each facility or system, according to the company. The system also features an alarm that can signal when a facility's energy usage is above its baseline. The system can be viewed through a Web browser for remote access, and has a USB capability for software loading and saving.
United Refrigeration Inc.
(888) 578-9100; www.uri.com
United Refrigeration Inc.
(888) 578-9100; www.uri.com