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Iraq's Most-Wanted Cards Big Sellers

BOSTON -- What started out as a way to help U.S. soldiers memorize the faces of Iraq's most-wanted fugitives has turned into a retail and convenience store moneymaker. A deck of playing cards featuring the fallen leaders of the Iraq regime hit mainstream and are selling like hotcakes.

Tedeschi convenience stores in Hyde Park and Quincy, Mass., reported selling the first six-dozen within a week, and US Playing Card, the card manufacturer, is shipping orders to Walgreens and BJ's Wholesale Club stores this week, according to The Boston Globe.

But the popularity doesn't stop there. Liberty Playing Card, a Texas-based company, received orders for 400,000 replica decks, including 30,000 it sold in the US Embassy in Kuwait after a colonel there found the company on the Internet. Ebay currently has more than 30 pages of listings for the cards, according to the newspaper.

"It's something connected with what we experienced in Iraq," Edward Jack, vice president of Lionstone said in The Globe. This company is an Illinois wine and beer importer that sold approximately 750,000 replica decks online. "People like to feel good about [the war] and share in victory."

The next step in the card craze for Liberty Playing Card is "Hero Cards," with President George Bush in the top rank and Private Jessica Lynch as the queen of hearts, reported the newspaper.
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