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MillerCoors Moves to Kansas City

KANSAS CITY -- MillerCoors will relocate its regional headquarters and training facility from St. Louis to Kansas City, bringing about 30 MillerCoors employees --including executive and support staff -- to the new space.

The new office will serve a 10-state region of the central U.S., ranging from Minnesota and the Dakotas down to Louisiana and Mississippi. Kansas City’s central location in the region and the convenient air connections at Kansas City International Airport (KCI) were the main attractions, according to Dennis Perreault, MillerCoors' sales operation manager.

"We have a bunch of metropolitan areas as well as rural areas,” he said. “The value of KCI is it offers opportunities to get to the major cities where our largest distributors are located."

The Kansas City Area Development Council reported MillerCoors will occupy 10,000 square feet at Zona Rosa, a retail, residential and office development, located off the city's interstate.

MillerCoors began to reassess its regional office locations after Miller Brewing Co. and Molson Coors Brewing Co. merged in 2008, according to the development council.
MillerCoors is expected to occupy its new space by April.
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