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  • Americans Prefer Eating at Home

    NPD Report on Eating Patterns shows how meal preparation is getting easier.
  • Service Stations Struggling

    Hypermarketers putting pressure on small operators and independent owners.
  • Franchise Loan Defaults Soar

    Slumping U.S. economy hurts industry, vacation cities hit hardest.
  • Kmart Fuels Competition

    With 79-cent king-size candy bars and 99-cent soda, Troy, Mich.-based Kmart Corp.'s year-old, K Express program is giving convenience store operators a run for their money.
  • Character Counts

    Last month we at Convenience Store News learned something about success in convenience store retailing.
  • Branching Out

    Forget Tom Cruise. Never mind the high-tech gadgetry. Scott Stevens and Andy Weber are on a mission, and it's not impossible. But unlike the movies, there is no script for this mission, and a couple of bad moves could spell the difference between a blockbuster hit and a box-office disaster.
  • 7-Eleven in Holiday Spirit

    Discount coupon booklets available free to customers.
  • Philip Morris Seeks Name Change

    Company wants new corporate identity to reflect its growth into the food and beer markets.
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