Quicksilver Touch-free Vehicle Wash System
The Quicksilver Touch-free vehicle wash system, or "Q,’" by D & S Car Wash Equipment Company, is suited for self-service and stand-alone in-bay automatic washes. The product boasts a stylish design of aluminum, stainless steel and fiberglass. The "Q" fits in most bay sizes, is vehicle-sizing automatic and uses a high-speed wash that saves water and energy. The Carriage and Gantry features a 2 hp-hydraulic system. Other assets include a 20- or 35-gpm chemical injection pumping system, Power Blaster wash technology, simple laptop PC control, on-board Dryers and Spot Free Rinse.
D & S Car Wash Equipment Company, High Ridge, Mo.
(636) 677-3442; www.dscarwash.com
D & S Car Wash Equipment Company, High Ridge, Mo.
(636) 677-3442; www.dscarwash.com