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QuikTrip to Require ID for Lighters and Matches

KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- If you live in the Kansas City area, and stop at a QuikTrip to buy a lighter or matches, make sure you have your ID, according to

The company is now requiring ID from customers to prove they are 18 years of age or older in response to a campaign by firefighters in Johnson County, Kan., to prevent children from playing with fire. QuikTrip is changing company policy at its 74 stores in the metro area, the report stated.

Firefighters said some lighters on the market look like toys.

"It's totally legal for someone to sell matches and lighters to any age," said Tricia Roberts with the Overland Park Fire Department, in the report.

QuikTrip's division manager, Timothy Heuback added, "Procedure will be similar to what it is with tobacco -- You have to be 18 or older to purchase a lighter or matches or to get matches in any way."

And while clerks weren't selling to small children before, Hueback said in cases where age is a question, ID will now be required.

"We thought it was a good idea. We thought it was the right thing to do within our community and to support our store employees, a cause that comes up from time to time with them as well," Heuback said in the report.

The 18-and-over policy is in effect in both Missouri and Kansas, including Lawrence. QuikTrip will also do the same in Tulsa, Okla., and Springfield, Mo., according to the report.
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