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RaceTrac Petroleum Flagship Store Put on Hold

SMYRNA, Ga. -- Efforts to build a RaceTrac Petroleum Inc. flagship store here have been tabled, according to the Smyrna-Vinings Patch. RaceTrac, Georgia's third-largest privately held company, planned to build a top-of-the-line store at the intersection of Spring Road and Bell Drive.

According to the website report, RaceTrac has to re-evaluate its development plans now that Ed Hamrick, owner of the strip mall behind the proposed project, has withdrawn his support. "This RaceTrac [plan] has been tabled because Mr. Hamrick has entered [into] an agreement and now Mr. Hamrick is no longer involved in this rezoning," said Smyrna City Council member Melleny Pritchett. "Therefore, [RaceTrac has] to do more drawings. [They need] to start all over with the paperwork."

Meredith McElveen, RaceTrac's real estate representative, said the company's next move is to propose new drawings.

"We are proposing to rezone the property. It's already general commercial. We're rezoning it to general commercial conditional. Instead of going through the variance process, we decided to do a site plan-specific zoning, which would allow us to work more closely with city staff and Councilwoman Pritchett to have just site plan-specific zoning. That means that this zoning is only affecting this site," McElveen said. "So, we'll be filing this application for plans with the city for the July planning and zoning hearing and then after that, the city council hearing."

That July planning and zoning hearing will take place on July 11. The city council meeting will be held on July 18.

RaceTrac said this new store would serve as the company's flagship store.


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