Refuel Selects Imperial Trading & S. Abraham & Sons as Exclusive Wholesaler
CHARLESTON, S.C. — Refuel Operating Co. LLC tapped Imperial Trading Co. and S. Abraham and Sons Inc. as its exclusive wholesaler for all Refuel stores in North Carolina and South Carolina, and Double Quick stores in Arkansas and Mississippi.
The anticipated change over date will be mid-April.
"We're excited to partner with a wholesaler that shares our commitment to providing superior service," said Refuel CEO Mark Jordan. "We look forward to growing with them into the future."
Imperial Trading Co. and S. Abraham and Sons Inc. is the nation's fifth largest convenience store distributor. It supplies 10,000 products to more than 5,000 retail locations across 19 states.
Based in Charleston, Refuel is a portfolio company of First Reserve, a leading global private equity investment firm exclusively focused on energy. It operates a total of 113 stores.