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Survey to Examine C-store Digital Marketing Practices


BARRINGTON, Ill. — The growing use of technology, especially mobile, is affecting consumer behaviors and retailer marketing efforts, which combined is impacting when, where and how brands and consumers spend their dollars with retailers.

At the same time, the expanding role that digital media platforms (email, mobile, social, text, etc.) play alongside traditional media resources (billboards, direct mailers, on-site signage, radio, etc.) is forcing retailers to reassess how they structure teams, allocate budgets, and execute and evaluate marketing and merchandising activities.

The strategic question facing retailers is twofold: How do we shorten developmental cycles and improve shopper outcomes? A strategic framework built on a solid understanding for the consumer’s path to purchase or shopping experience can help address this question and lead to improved results and returns. However, a retailer-oriented framework like this doesn’t exist today — or at least not yet.

The percentage of U.S. adults who own a smartphone has climbed from less than one-third in 2011 to two-thirds today, according to the Pew Research Center. Pew’s research also highlights that today, nearly all consumers who own a smartphone text; nine out of 10 access the Internet or emails; and three out of four use their smartphone to stay current on social media.  

To support this opportunity and develop fresh, relevant and actionable insights, Convenience Store News is collaborating with Brick Meets Click and Balvor LLC to examine current retailer practices and perceptions in convenience retail across the various digital channels. 

This research is focused on delivering fresh, relevant and actionable insights to convenience retailers. And the goal is to highlight how they can integrate digital media assets so that there’s alignment and synergies with existing marketing and merchandising strategies.

Convenience retailers interested in participating can CLICK HERE to take the survey.

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