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Wawa Turns to Third-Party to Correct Online Information

WAWA, Pa. — Incorrect map data can result in a less-than customer experience. To combat this, Wawa Inc. has enlisted MomentFeed Inc. to get data associated with its 700-plus locations on point.

Upon its appointment by Wawa, MomentFeed verified the convenience store retailer’s location pins across Foursquare, Facebook and Google Maps and found that 2,000 map listings and pages were created by everyday users — including more than 1,700 duplicate listings on Facebook alone — some with incorrect data, reported AdvertisingAge.

"There's a lot of different conflicting pieces of data in the world about your brand, about your locations," said Wawa Director of Digital Marketing Todd Miller.

As a high-volume advertiser with several campaigns and promotions running simultaneously — notably Waze, the Google-owned crowd-sourced driving and traffic app — Wawa wanted to ensure its customers weren’t going out of their way trying to use a Waze coupon that sends them driving in circles.

"The worst thing in the world we can do is push an ad to a consumer we can't pay off with," Miller commented.

According to Mark Campos, product specialist at Waze, ensuring correct location and business data for clients with hundreds or thousands of stores and restaurants is "a very difficult problem to solve at scale.” Waze also works with MomentFeed to ensure business data in the app is correct.

With headquarters in Santa Monica, Calif., MomentFeed uses software and localized marketing solutions to manage the entire mobile customer experience for multi-location brands. It has a core team of 16 data verifiers, in addition to workers based in the Philippines, who are dedicated to manually cleaning up location data.

Pennsylvania-based Wawa operates more than 750 convenience stores in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and Florida. 

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