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Wawa Ups Coffee Prices

WAWA, Pa. -- Wawa coffee drinkers will pay an additional four cents for their favorite brew beginning today, as the convenience store chain upped prices on coffee-based beverages across the board as a result of increasing global coffee prices, reported.

Specifically, the chain attributed the increase to crops in Colombia and dwindling stockpiles in warehouses, according to the report.

Wawa spokeswoman Lori Bruce told the Web site the increase remains less than the 9 percent to 13 percent hike other coffee sellers are tagging onto their cups.

"Coffee costs around the world have been increasing for the past two and a half years due to global coffee shortages and poor crops, yet we have held back on passing these increases along to our customers," she said in the report. "We really, really try to keep that at a minimum. We're committed to the best possible pricing. We have held back on passing along other increases."

The Web site cited a Business Week report detailing that coffee prices had climbed to a 13-year high after heavy rains hit the Arabica crops in Colombia. American coffee stockpiles, meanwhile, are at their lowest levels in 10 years.

Wawa's coffee prices have remained the same since 2008, according to Bruce. A sign above store countertops reinforced Wawa's value message: "Please be assured that we remain committed to providing the best cup of coffee for the money, coupled with fast and friendly service. Thank you for your continued support."

Customers held mixed reactions ahead of the increase.

"I think it [stinks]," Zeti Brown told the Web site. Brown buys coffee from a Media, Pa., Wawa daily, but "I will probably go somewhere else."

Joe Jones, a three-time-a-week Wawa coffee purchaser, said: "What's four cents going to do to me? It's not going to do anything."

Paul Alexander agreed. "Four cents, it won't kill me," he said of his weekly luxury.

Mike Emuryan, who paid $1.44 for a 20-ounce cup, questioned the actual material and production cost of his chosen beverage compared to its profit margin, but concluded: "Best coffee around. That 4 cents may well represent the increase in the world product." He added: "Will the coffee farmer make [an additional] 4 cents? No, he will not."

Jack Stubbe of Media echoed the sentiments.

"It's all sequential increases," he said in the report. "Has the price of coffee in the growing regions of the world gone up? I guess the price has to go up."

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