WWE’s John Cena, 7-Eleven Make Wishes Come True
DALLAS -- 7-Eleven Inc. launched its third "Coffee Cup With a Cause" campaign, this time offering a cup designed by WWE Superstar John Cena. The signature cup is being sold now through Aug. 30 (or while supplies last), with proceeds benefiting the Make-A-Wish Foundation, with a guaranteed $250,000 minimum donation by 7-Eleven.
Cena, a Make-A-Wish Ambassador, will kick off the sale of his custom-designed cup by granting the wishes of two children in Kansas City. The lucky Make-A-Wish children, Omari Stennett and Caleb Colmenares, will spend Sunday, July 18, with John Cena. The day will include picking up snacks at a local 7-Eleven, helping Cena get ready for WWE's "Money in the Bank" Pay-Per-View match at the Kansas City Sprint Center and receiving a backstage tour at the live event.
"I am thrilled to partner with 7-Eleven's 'Coffee Cup With a Cause' program, which will help the Make-A-Wish Foundation continue making wishes come true for children with life-threatening medical conditions," Cena said.
"The Make-A-Wish Foundation enriches children's lives and gives these kids an experience they will never forget," said Rita Bargerhuff, 7-Eleven's vice president and chief marketing officer. "We hope our fans continue to make a difference in the lives of others by supporting John Cena and the Make-A-Wish Foundation's 'Cup with a Cause' to bring joy to these children and their families."
Cena granted 178 wishes through the Make-A-Wish Foundation since 2004, making him one of the most requested celebrity wish granters. His cup features the Superstar wearing his signature dog tags, "You Can't See Me” baseball cap and making his trademark hand sign representing "Hustle, Loyalty, Respect."
Cena's cup follows the Richie-Madden Children's Foundation and Jennifer Hudson's Boys and Girls Clubs of America limited-edition cups. Throughout 2010, other entertainment and sports celebrities will design cups to be sold exclusively at participating 7-Eleven stores in the U.S. Cups can be filled with any 7-Eleven hot beverage and customized with an assortment of creams, syrups and spices at no extra charge.