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Anheuser-Busch's Aluminum Bottle Outpaces Supply

Demand so far this summer for the new cold aluminum bottled beers has been so high that retail outlets, bars, restaurants and clubs are selling out, leading Anheuser-Busch Inc. to double its manufacturing capacity for the package by autumn 2005.

In addition, America's leading brewer will debut its newest beer -- Budweiser Select -- in the innovative package next month.

"We knew people would love the aluminum bottle because it is cool and different," said Mike Owens, vice president of sales and marketing for AB. "We are excited by the magnitude of interest in this new package. Young adults, particularly in bars and clubs, tell us they really like the way it makes drinking cold beer a tactile experience. In fact, this package is so popular that it's selling out, and it's doing its job to help enhance the beer drinking experience."

Owens added that the success of the innovative new aluminum bottle packaging is further evidence that the company's marketing and pricing strategies are on target and continue to produce positive results for AB.

The aluminum bottle has received such favorable reviews by retailers, wholesalers and adult consumers since Anheuser-Busch introduced it last fall that the company made Budweiser Select its sixth brand to be offered in this package -- joining Bud Light, Budweiser, Michelob Light, Michelob and Anheuser World Lager.

The versatile new packaging is ideal for contemporary adults searching for a stylish looking beverage when out at a club, bar or upscale restaurant, but is also sought after for attending outdoor drinking occasions where non-breakable containers are needed, according to company executives.

"Creating a buzz and distinguishing yourself from the crowd are the top priorities for any consumer products company," Owens said. "The aluminum bottle has definitely hit the mark for us. This new package, along with new products like Budweiser Select and B(E), are generating increased interest in the beer category as a whole.”

The Budweiser Select aluminum bottle has a sleek, silver finish with the distinct Budweiser Select logo. The package will be available in certain regions of the country beginning in mid-July. Manufactured by Exal USA, based in Youngstown, Ohio, the 16-oz. Budweiser Select aluminum bottle will be available in bars, clubs, supermarkets and convenience stores.

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