Beach Cigar Group Tinned Premium Cigar
Beach Cigar Group introduced two lines of premium tinned cigars -- a natural big cigar line and flavored small cigar line -- featuring European-style hinged clamshell tins. The big tins hold 10 cigars and are available in 5 new blends. The cigars, handmade in Nicaragua, feature maduros Dark Blend #8 and Havana Select Blend #85. Natural wrappers feature Classic Blend #44, Natural Light Blend #224 and Mild Light Blend #967. The little tins hold 7 cigarillos and come in 13 flavors, including the Ancient Warrior cigar in natural Brazilian Wrapper. Other flavors include -- Gurkha Classic Blend, Passion Mint, Cognac, Mango Cream, Orange Spice, Exotic Orient, Kiwi Vanilla, Tiramissu, Caffe Tobac, Vanilla, Chocolate and Passion Fruit.
Beach Cigar Group, Miami, Fla.
(305) 593-2254;
Beach Cigar Group, Miami, Fla.
(305) 593-2254;