Disposable Lighter Multi-Tier Racks
Calico Brands Inc. is offering a multi-tier rack program for c-stores with various rack configurations for a wide array of retail price points and style selection, the company stated. Included in 3- and 4-tier racks is a combination of Calico and Scripto sparkwheel, electronic, mini sparkwheel, themed-designs and cigar disposable lighters. In addition, each rack includes a free pre-selected 50-count tray of Calico Jeweltone sparkwheel lighters or custom logo sparkwheel lighters, according to the company. The lighters offered range in retail prices from 79 cents to $1.49.
Calico Brands Inc., Ontario, Calif.
(800) LIGHTER; www.scriptousa.com
Calico Brands Inc., Ontario, Calif.
(800) LIGHTER; www.scriptousa.com