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  • McDonald's Expanding Electronic Pay

    Tests for cashless purchases now available at more units in Chicago, New York and California.
  • News Briefs

    Analysts once raised red flags warning that online convenience stores and Internet grocers could grow to be the next big threat to brick-and-mortar retailers. A year later, however, it's the online retailers that are scrambling for survival.
  • BP Sees Downside in Bush Energy Plan

    Oil conglomerate also close to selling off three refineries.
  • Suppliers

    Hudson, Ohio-based Dairy Mart Convenience Stores Inc. named Najib Tegey director of store operations, and Gary Feldman director of gasoline operations.
  • U.S. Retailers Learn From Europe Fuel Crisis

    With the petroleum business slowly returning to normal in Europe, retailers in the United States expressed concern that aggressive consumer behavior demonstrated overseas could be an ominous sign of things to come this winter if fuel prices keep rising.
  • U.S. Retailers Learn From Europe Fuel Crisis

    The lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in New York focused only on fountain-dispensed drinks handled by large foodservice distributors who control deliveries to chains of restaurants and theaters.
  • Associations

    The National Association of Conven- ience Stores (NACS), Alexandria, Va., appointed Kathy Shanahan to the newly created position of vice president of customer relations. Dan Mulvaney was named director of political affairs. He will be responsible for the association's NACSPAC program, and will be involved in all aspects of NACS' political affairs efforts. Kelly Schimmel was promoted to marketing research coordinator. Michael Urgo joined the staff as production and traffic manager. Michael Mason was appointed to manager of news and media relations. Amy Ashley Burke was promoted to meetings and registration manager.
  • Suppliers

    Rockland, Mass.-based Tedeschi Food Shops Inc., appointed Charles F. Fitzgibbons to president and John F. Ransom to vice chairman.
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