Kwik Trip Superfan Visits All of Chain's Wisconsin Stores in One Year
LA CROSSE, Wis. — Kwik Trip superfan Cassandra Berger closed out 2021 by achieving a goal she'd been working toward over the previous 12 months: visiting all 457 Wisconsin Kwik Trip convenience stores that existed at the start of the year.
The Onalaska, Wis., resident has been making videos about her favorite c-store chain for several years and appeared in an official Kwik Trip commercial in 2020. Afterward, she contacted the retailer with the idea of creating a persona known as "KT Girl" with a plan to visit every Wisconsin Kwik Trip in 2021, reported the Milawukee Journal Sentinel. As new stores opened, she tried to visit them as well.
"I love all things Kwik Trip," said Berger, who chronicled her Kwik Trip journey in partnership with the company through a YouTube series titled "KT Bound with Cassandra: A story of love, adventure, & a regional gas station."
Berger joins several other Kwik Trip superfans whose ventures have included staging wedding photos and visiting the chain's entire network.
To accomplish her mission, Berger divided Wisconsin into sections and mapped out routes to travel on her free days. While she usually visited 10 to 20 Kwik Trip stores per visit, her record is 52 stores in a single day. She described chatting with employees and customers about their favorite aspects of Kwik Trip and their favorite products as the best part of her trips.
Kwik Trip provided an animated intro and outro for Berger's videos, which also feature her getting a "KT" tattoo, and a Kwik Trip charcuterie competition. Although it does not pay her directly, the company has supplied her with apparel, gas gift cards, and more.
"It's been a really great opportunity and I'm so grateful for Kwik Trip for trusting me with these videos," she told the news outlet. "It's just been an awesome experience."
Berger kept track of her progress in an Excel spreadsheet and took a Polaroid picture at each store, snapping the final one in mid-December.
"It's always great to accomplish a goal, but now I'm like, 'Oh my gosh, I'm sad it's over,'" she said. "I had so much fun traveling around Wisconsin. I didn't know all of the beautiful areas, especially up in northern Wisconsin."
Berger, who loves Kwik Trip for its "one-stop shop" versatility, plans to continue making visits even though she completed her goal.
"My love for Kwik Trip doesn't stop here," she said.
Founded in 1965, La Crosse-based Kwik Trip is known as Kwik Trip in Minnesota and Wisconsin and as Kwik Star in Iowa. It operates 800 stores in the Midwest.