Wawa Looks to Expand Private Label OfferPennsylvania retailer partners with Daymon Worldwide to help. The Russians Are Coming!Moscow-based Lukoil rebrands Getty stations, increases oil exports -- with a goal of 3,000 American retail outlets. New Retailing Brand for CITGO Oklahoma oil company to launch Mystik gas station/convenience store concept as an alternative for retailers beginning Oct. 1. Private-Label Packaged Goods Growing Sales of branded items slipping, according to the U.S. Trends in Private Label report by ACNielsen. Bankrupt Robbins Oil to Auction 23 Stores Bids due Sept. 30 for locations in the Carolinas. Report Favors Milk Sales at C-Stores Study of dairy category finds Washington State supermarkets charge about $1 more per gallon. Rich Products to Acquire Dairy Business From Morningstar Deal includes Dean Food's private label frozen whipped topping and frozen creamers business. Midwest Gas Prices Jump With oil trading at two-year highs, motorists nationwide should expect to see a gradual rise in gasoline prices. Texaco Revived ChevronTexaco lays claim to the popular "star" logo. 7-Eleven Calls on Verizon New prepaid phone-card program to offer cards as low as 1.9 cents per minute. First Previous 287 288 289 Next Last